The Checklist
This checklist identifies five key questions that evolve along the development of a health intervention. They are presented as a circle as each question influences the others and the process is a continuous cycle. We present these questions one at a time and explain the purpose of the question and provide resources that can help address the question.
The checklist is designed as a series of issues that a partnership should consider as they are developing their projects and answer the main questions. It provides a simple format for ensuring that major issues are considered. After the checklist and five key questions, you can download a manual that includes all resources and information from the website.

Five questions to create clarity and structure: This list provides an overview of five key questions to guide your co-design process.
1. What’s going on? (context and system). We need to have a good understanding of the nature of the problem and the current system including gaps.
What are the key issues?
What does the system addressing these issues look like?
What are the gaps in the current system?
How ready are we to address this problem?
Is there capacity and willingness to address this problem?
Do we have the community’s view on what is going on?
2. Who will we work with? (stakeholders, partners, and end users) We want to make sure to include those who have influence and are affected by what happens.
People who will deliver the intervention
People who will fund it
People who will receive it
People who can create roadblocks
People who can make it sustainable
Do we have a good representation of these groups
3. How will we engage with each other? (process) We need to think about how we are going to work together.
Principles and values to guide your partnership
Assess whether we want to work together
Value the mātauranga (knowledge) of the local community
Shared decision making
Shared communication responsibilities
Mutual learning and listening
Agreements for sharing resources and responsibilities
How can we build trust and manage conflicts?
Reflect on how we are working and ensuring we are following our principles
4. What will we be doing? We need to think about the intervention and how we develop it.
What evidence is available on what works and what doesn’t?
How can we make what is available fit with cultural values, perspectives, and local knowledge?
Make sure the community is involved in the design, implementation and evaluation (those who will receive or deliver the intervention)
Take a systems view in the design (multiple perspectives, multiple levels, and understanding boundaries and constraints)
5. How can we evaluate and reflect on what we are doing? (outcomes, evaluation and reflection). We need to think about what we want to accomplish and evaluate its impact and how we did it. Then, we need to reflect on how we did it and what we learnt going forward.
What are the key outcomes, thinking holistically?
Implementation and process evaluation
Have we improved equity (or at least not made it worse)
Reflect on what happened and use as learning for next steps.