Partnership capacity measure
Partnership has the foundational resources necessary to achieve project aims.
Partnership capacity is the foundation for long-term project success. When partnerships have skills, diverse membership, legitimacy, and connections to relevant stakeholders this facilitates commitment to culture-centeredness, which leads to stronger relationships, synergy, and community in research contributing to outcomes.
Assess current level of partnership capacity to work with external decision-makers and other stakeholders (See survey questions below).
Develop vision of capacities you would like to achieve and strategies to reach them.
Develop plan for reflection on progress and determine if there are ways to build your capacities such as including new members or trainings.
Survey Questions
Measures on a 6-point Likert scale:
Skills and expertise
Diverse membership
Legitimacy and credibility
Ability to bring people together for meetings and activities
Connections to political decision makers, government agencies, other organizations/groups
Connections to relevant stakeholders
Oetzel, J. G., Zhou, C., Duran, B., Pearson, C., Magarati, M., Lucero, J., Wallerstein, N., & Villegas, M. (2015). Establishing the psychometric properties of constructs in a community-based participatory research conceptual model. American Journal of Health Promotion, 29, e188-e202.
Engage for Equity, Center for Participatory Research, University of New Mexico: